
2024 Exodus 10, How Long Will You Refuse To Humble Yourself

2024-12-24 21:50
How Long Will You Refuse To Humble Yourself

Exodus 10

Key vs. 10:3 “So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said to him, "This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: 'How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they may worship me.”

1. What is the purpose that God allows Pharaoh to harden his heart repeatedly? (1,2) What does God do to accomplish his purpose? (1,20,27) How does Pharaoh act in response to the threat of locusts (4-11) How does God punish him?

2. How does God immediately strike back on willful Pharaoh? (21) How terrible is the plague of darkness? (22,23) What does it show the evil forces of sin? How does Pharaoh react? (24, 28)