2025 New Year Special, A Living Sacrifice; Worship-Change-Discernment
2025-01-05 17:46
A Living Sacrifice; Worship-Change-Discernment
Romans 12:1-2
A middle-aged man suddenly came to church sincerely after watching a movie, “Along with the gods.” This movie shows the unbearably horrible state of hell. His pastor asked, “Why?” He said, “Because I must not go to hell. It is too horrible!” This is not a Christian movie, but anyway it touched him greatly to be aware of judgment. The motto that influenced the life of Pastor Martin Lloyd Jones was, “I will stand before the judgment seat of God.”
The beginning of life is to be aware of the seriousness of sin and judgment. The rich man in Luke 16 realized it after he was thrown into hell. In agony and torment, he begged Abraham, “Father, send Lazarus to warn my 5 brothers so that they will not also come to this place of torment.”
William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army went to hell and came back in a vision. Before, he was a lukewarm pastor. However, after seeing everything in hell, he was completely changed. He threw everything away and only preached the gospel. His message was, “You should not go to hell. Believe in Jesus!”
Romans 12 start from a word, ‘therefore.’ Here, "therefore" refers to the basic Christianity from Romans 1-11. The main teaching is, “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." In the past we were the objects of God's wrath and condemnation. But through the atoning sacrifice of his Son Jesus, we are ransomed. We also become precious children of God and heirs of God. ‘Therefore,’ how should we Christians live?
A husband talked to his wife often looking at the pictures, “Honey, the wedding ceremony was indeed lovely, beautiful and fantastic.” He is a bad guy. The wedding ceremony is important but the marriage life after that is more important. The meaning of marriage is not in a grand and beautiful wedding ceremony, but in the marriage life.
Our salvation is like marrying Jesus. Now the practical life after salvation is important. How should we live?
First, offer your bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice
Look at verse 1. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” In the Old Testament, to become a sacrifice, an animal must be slaughtered. A sacrifice requires death. Jesus became a sacrifice to wash away our sin. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we are saved.
Now, Paul urges us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice. It means we are to die. But some Christians refuse to become sacrifices because they don’t want to lose and die. Yes, it is not easy to become a sacrifice. If you were asked to become a sacrifice, would you do it? If you were asked to sacrifice what you have, would you do it? Some say, “I believe in Jesus, but I don’t want to be a sacrifice.” That is why they fail to experience glory in God.
The Bible tells us to die because this is the way to live. Rom 6:2 says, “We are those who have died to sin.” Gal 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” This is a living sacrifice.
If man does not want to die, they will fall into eternal death. Therefore, if you want to experience glory in God, if you want to achieve something, you are to lose, sacrifice and serve. Jesus says, “If anyone wants to follow me, deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me daily. This is the meaning to be a living sacrifice. Paul said, “I die every day.” Learning how to die is faith.
Swimming coaches teach beginners, “Hey, just relax. Release your tension in your body, then you will float.” The principle of Christian life is paradoxical. If you want to gain, lose what you have. When you lose for the Lord, you will gain everything. This is a living sacrifice.
Paul does not say, “Offer your heart or thought to the Lord.” He says, “offer your bodies to the Lord.” Man’s body has many parts such as eyes, ears, mouth, feet and hands. Man’s body also carries man’s mind and soul. Man’s body contains man’s intellectuality, emotion and will. Wherever man’s body goes, all parts of the body go there together. Now, do you understand the meaning, “Offer your bodies to the Lord?” Let your body be at the place of worship, prayer, gospel work, service and devotion.
Some say they believe in God but where are they? if your body is at your home or library or club or resort when you are to worship and pray, your faith is in the world of illusion and that is neither spiritual worship nor living sacrifice.
Those who have experienced the grace and power of God live by paradoxical truth. D.L Moody said, “I pray because I am too busy.” Paul said, “I am more faithful to the Lord and work harder because I am sick.” The widow of Zarephath said, “I offer to the Lord because I have nothing.” Faith is offering your bodies. Let your body be there, the place of worship, prayer and gospel work. This is the Christian life.
Brothers, offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God because God has given you a new life. Now, we are to give it back to the Lord.
Esther was an ordinary girl but she became the queen of Persia. Haman, number 2 in Persia kingdom tried to destroy all Jews in the world. In that national crisis, she was asked to go into the king’s presence to beg for mercy and plead with him for her people. The Persian law prohibited anyone from approaching the king in the inner court without being summoned. If violated, they would be put to death. So Queen Esther was hesitant. Then she was challenged, “Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Then she said, “I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” When she gave her life and glory back to the Lord, her family and nation were rescued.
After receiving salvation, the meaning of your life is to offer your bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice. This is dying. But that is the way you gain more and your life become glorious.
Now is a difficult time. However, our church brothers have become better because they have given their life, time and material back to the Lord.
Today, more people could have come to worship God but they didn’t with the reason they are tired or busy or depressed. God is pouring out his grace from heaven, but they block the pipeline of grace because they do not offer their bodies to the Lord. They are truly foolish. Offer your bodies to God through worship, prayer, and gospel work in Christ. You will experience God’s presence and his blessings.
Second, do not conform to the pattern of this world
Look at verse 2. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” What is the pattern of this world? It is to self-seeking, money-seeking and pleasure-seeking (1 Timothy 3). It is unbelieving and adulterous. It is to laugh and cry based on human condition-position and possession.
These days, because of the influence of pragmatism and the secular humanistic educational system, most young people come to the conclusion that the easy way to success and the easy way of life are the best.
However this easy-going mentality deprives many young men of their spiritual strength. Now most people blindly follow the worldly consensus. These days the worldly consensus seems to be the easy-going mentality which is against God's truth. The easy-going mentality says, "Take it easy." The Bible says, "You must deny yourself and take up your cross." (Lk 9:23)
These days a relativistic way of thinking seems to be the worldly consensus. Relativistic people deny the absolutes of God. When they see God relativistically, everything becomes relativistic, even their lives. As a result they do not find the absolute meaning of their lives. Relativism gives a man a divided heart and results in an uncommitted and secular life.
If you confirm to the pattern of the world, you are attacked by the devil. The devil says, “Hey, I will give you money, don’t go to church. Hey, I will give you pleasures. Have sex before marriage.” And the devil’s ultimate weapon is, “Hey, you will die if you live like that. You should take good care of your body and save more for your future.” Are you afraid of death? Then know that we will live again though we die in Jesus. We have overcome death in Jesus Christ.
A teenager, David said to Goliath, “You come with a sword and a javelin...” Goliath boasted and relied on his long sword and javelin. The world boasts and relies on their possessions and positions. This is the pattern of the world.
David said, “However, I fight in the name of God Almighty.” Paul always introduces himself, ‘in Christ,’ always asks, “Are you in Christ?” Then you are righteousness, peace and joy in all circumstances. May God bless you to be in the blood of Jesus’ cross and resurrection and follow him as his disciples.
Third, establish the right order.
From the beginning, God set an order, God-man-material. In God’s nature, holiness-righteousness-love is the order. Here we find another orders, worship-change- discernment. Live in this order. Worship is the beginning and the root. When you worship God, change (transforming) appears to you. Then you are able to discern the will of God.
It is you who worship God. You must exert yourself to come to worship God. Then change is given to you from God. It is not we making change but God when we worship Him. Change is given by God.
We do not know how we are transformed. But one thing is clear; when we worship God, we are changed. Our choices, perspectives, values and desires are changed. Once someone laughed and cried by the amount of his salary. But when he worshiped God faithfully, he was changed to realize that money could neither save him nor give him joy and peace. He found peace and joy in Jesus Christ regardless of his circumstances. A girl fell into sadness and wounds long time as she was abandoned. But as she worshiped God faithfully, she was transformed to be a woman of joy in Christ.
Paul had a thorn in his flesh. It really bothered him that he thought that it must be gone. But as he worshiped God through prayers, he was transformed. His perspective was changed. “Oh, when I weak, I am strong in the Lord. I can do everything in Jesus Christ.” His human condition was same but his attitude was changed. He was used by God powerfully.
When we worship, we are transformed and God gives each of us the best change. Therefore, the most beautiful confession is, “I am a worshiper!”
Have you ever felt your prayer topics are changed as you worship God and pray to Him? Once you might pray for just your needs. But as you worship, you are transformed that you begin to pray the prayer that God wants. When we worship God, our desire, attitude, value system, thought, language, life purpose, and mission are changed.
When you worship God, change comes to you. Then you are able to discern the will of God. Though you have great talents or ability or money, if you don’t have discernment, you don’t know what to do.
Look at verse 2b. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Do you know what God’s will is for your life and for the world?
Discernment doesn’t come to us overnight. There are people who open the Bible when they face a crisis thought they usually live according to their desires and feelings. But they do not get anything from the Bible. However, those who experience change through faithful worship are able to deal with the crisis properly. Therefore, the order of worship-change-discernment is important. It won’t work if you only try to discern without worship or change. If you miss worship, nothing will work out for you.
Brothers, be worshippers with your bodies-your eyes, ears, lips, hands and feet including your love and dream. Then changes will appear to you. Then your life will be enriched with all kinds of heavenly inspirations.
However, if you only look for a solution when a problem arises without worship and experiencing change, it won’t work. A life without worship is indeed foolish and messy. That’s why many fall into discouragement and depression.
Brothers, be a worshiper. Worship God and wait. You never know what kind of change the Lord will give you. The spiritual and physical spectrum of change is so wide.
Sometimes, God sends you people whom you need. Sometimes, He gives you money (job, career, health) you need. Sometimes, He strengthens you to overcome the situation. When you worship God, He gives you what you really need.
Worship, change, discernment, this order is really important. That is why the devil tries to changes this order. The world tells us to discern first. The world tells us to receive change first. But I repeat the order, ‘worship, change, discernment.’
There was an archaeological discovery in the land of Canaan. There, the Gentiles and Israelites lived together. If you look at a certain soil layer and relics, you can see the difference between believers and non believers in the era of Abraham, the era of Moses, and the era of David. However, there is a layer where the characteristics of faith are not found at all. That is the era of the judges. You cannot tell whether the relics of that era are Jewish or the Gentiles. The generation after Joshua did not know Jehovah. So believers and non-believers were the same. The era where the distinction is most evident is the era of David. God's people and non-believers are clearly distinguished.
If we trace the life style, Christians and non-Christians are different or must be different. They spend money differently. Where do you spend it? Don't you spend it on offering and gospel work? I do. How do you spend your time and vacation? God’s people open the Bible and pray when they get up. You need to have this pattern. How you spend your money and time reveal who you are.
Daniel lost his country in his teens and was taken captive to a foreign land. He must have been sad and fatalistic. Under Babylonian education and culture, he must have also confused about his identity. At that time, he worshiped God with determination. “I will not defile myself with the royal food offered to idols.” Then God changed his supervisors to deal with him graciously. God also changed him to be healthier than the other and he was full of wisdom and intelligence.
Know the principle of faith and keep this order; worship, change, discernment
Romans 12:1-2
A middle-aged man suddenly came to church sincerely after watching a movie, “Along with the gods.” This movie shows the unbearably horrible state of hell. His pastor asked, “Why?” He said, “Because I must not go to hell. It is too horrible!” This is not a Christian movie, but anyway it touched him greatly to be aware of judgment. The motto that influenced the life of Pastor Martin Lloyd Jones was, “I will stand before the judgment seat of God.”
The beginning of life is to be aware of the seriousness of sin and judgment. The rich man in Luke 16 realized it after he was thrown into hell. In agony and torment, he begged Abraham, “Father, send Lazarus to warn my 5 brothers so that they will not also come to this place of torment.”
William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army went to hell and came back in a vision. Before, he was a lukewarm pastor. However, after seeing everything in hell, he was completely changed. He threw everything away and only preached the gospel. His message was, “You should not go to hell. Believe in Jesus!”
Romans 12 start from a word, ‘therefore.’ Here, "therefore" refers to the basic Christianity from Romans 1-11. The main teaching is, “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." In the past we were the objects of God's wrath and condemnation. But through the atoning sacrifice of his Son Jesus, we are ransomed. We also become precious children of God and heirs of God. ‘Therefore,’ how should we Christians live?
A husband talked to his wife often looking at the pictures, “Honey, the wedding ceremony was indeed lovely, beautiful and fantastic.” He is a bad guy. The wedding ceremony is important but the marriage life after that is more important. The meaning of marriage is not in a grand and beautiful wedding ceremony, but in the marriage life.
Our salvation is like marrying Jesus. Now the practical life after salvation is important. How should we live?
First, offer your bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice
Look at verse 1. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” In the Old Testament, to become a sacrifice, an animal must be slaughtered. A sacrifice requires death. Jesus became a sacrifice to wash away our sin. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we are saved.
Now, Paul urges us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice. It means we are to die. But some Christians refuse to become sacrifices because they don’t want to lose and die. Yes, it is not easy to become a sacrifice. If you were asked to become a sacrifice, would you do it? If you were asked to sacrifice what you have, would you do it? Some say, “I believe in Jesus, but I don’t want to be a sacrifice.” That is why they fail to experience glory in God.
The Bible tells us to die because this is the way to live. Rom 6:2 says, “We are those who have died to sin.” Gal 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” This is a living sacrifice.
If man does not want to die, they will fall into eternal death. Therefore, if you want to experience glory in God, if you want to achieve something, you are to lose, sacrifice and serve. Jesus says, “If anyone wants to follow me, deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me daily. This is the meaning to be a living sacrifice. Paul said, “I die every day.” Learning how to die is faith.
Swimming coaches teach beginners, “Hey, just relax. Release your tension in your body, then you will float.” The principle of Christian life is paradoxical. If you want to gain, lose what you have. When you lose for the Lord, you will gain everything. This is a living sacrifice.
Paul does not say, “Offer your heart or thought to the Lord.” He says, “offer your bodies to the Lord.” Man’s body has many parts such as eyes, ears, mouth, feet and hands. Man’s body also carries man’s mind and soul. Man’s body contains man’s intellectuality, emotion and will. Wherever man’s body goes, all parts of the body go there together. Now, do you understand the meaning, “Offer your bodies to the Lord?” Let your body be at the place of worship, prayer, gospel work, service and devotion.
Some say they believe in God but where are they? if your body is at your home or library or club or resort when you are to worship and pray, your faith is in the world of illusion and that is neither spiritual worship nor living sacrifice.
Those who have experienced the grace and power of God live by paradoxical truth. D.L Moody said, “I pray because I am too busy.” Paul said, “I am more faithful to the Lord and work harder because I am sick.” The widow of Zarephath said, “I offer to the Lord because I have nothing.” Faith is offering your bodies. Let your body be there, the place of worship, prayer and gospel work. This is the Christian life.
Brothers, offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God because God has given you a new life. Now, we are to give it back to the Lord.
Esther was an ordinary girl but she became the queen of Persia. Haman, number 2 in Persia kingdom tried to destroy all Jews in the world. In that national crisis, she was asked to go into the king’s presence to beg for mercy and plead with him for her people. The Persian law prohibited anyone from approaching the king in the inner court without being summoned. If violated, they would be put to death. So Queen Esther was hesitant. Then she was challenged, “Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Then she said, “I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” When she gave her life and glory back to the Lord, her family and nation were rescued.
After receiving salvation, the meaning of your life is to offer your bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice. This is dying. But that is the way you gain more and your life become glorious.
Now is a difficult time. However, our church brothers have become better because they have given their life, time and material back to the Lord.
Today, more people could have come to worship God but they didn’t with the reason they are tired or busy or depressed. God is pouring out his grace from heaven, but they block the pipeline of grace because they do not offer their bodies to the Lord. They are truly foolish. Offer your bodies to God through worship, prayer, and gospel work in Christ. You will experience God’s presence and his blessings.
Second, do not conform to the pattern of this world
Look at verse 2. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” What is the pattern of this world? It is to self-seeking, money-seeking and pleasure-seeking (1 Timothy 3). It is unbelieving and adulterous. It is to laugh and cry based on human condition-position and possession.
These days, because of the influence of pragmatism and the secular humanistic educational system, most young people come to the conclusion that the easy way to success and the easy way of life are the best.
However this easy-going mentality deprives many young men of their spiritual strength. Now most people blindly follow the worldly consensus. These days the worldly consensus seems to be the easy-going mentality which is against God's truth. The easy-going mentality says, "Take it easy." The Bible says, "You must deny yourself and take up your cross." (Lk 9:23)
These days a relativistic way of thinking seems to be the worldly consensus. Relativistic people deny the absolutes of God. When they see God relativistically, everything becomes relativistic, even their lives. As a result they do not find the absolute meaning of their lives. Relativism gives a man a divided heart and results in an uncommitted and secular life.
If you confirm to the pattern of the world, you are attacked by the devil. The devil says, “Hey, I will give you money, don’t go to church. Hey, I will give you pleasures. Have sex before marriage.” And the devil’s ultimate weapon is, “Hey, you will die if you live like that. You should take good care of your body and save more for your future.” Are you afraid of death? Then know that we will live again though we die in Jesus. We have overcome death in Jesus Christ.
A teenager, David said to Goliath, “You come with a sword and a javelin...” Goliath boasted and relied on his long sword and javelin. The world boasts and relies on their possessions and positions. This is the pattern of the world.
David said, “However, I fight in the name of God Almighty.” Paul always introduces himself, ‘in Christ,’ always asks, “Are you in Christ?” Then you are righteousness, peace and joy in all circumstances. May God bless you to be in the blood of Jesus’ cross and resurrection and follow him as his disciples.
Third, establish the right order.
From the beginning, God set an order, God-man-material. In God’s nature, holiness-righteousness-love is the order. Here we find another orders, worship-change- discernment. Live in this order. Worship is the beginning and the root. When you worship God, change (transforming) appears to you. Then you are able to discern the will of God.
It is you who worship God. You must exert yourself to come to worship God. Then change is given to you from God. It is not we making change but God when we worship Him. Change is given by God.
We do not know how we are transformed. But one thing is clear; when we worship God, we are changed. Our choices, perspectives, values and desires are changed. Once someone laughed and cried by the amount of his salary. But when he worshiped God faithfully, he was changed to realize that money could neither save him nor give him joy and peace. He found peace and joy in Jesus Christ regardless of his circumstances. A girl fell into sadness and wounds long time as she was abandoned. But as she worshiped God faithfully, she was transformed to be a woman of joy in Christ.
Paul had a thorn in his flesh. It really bothered him that he thought that it must be gone. But as he worshiped God through prayers, he was transformed. His perspective was changed. “Oh, when I weak, I am strong in the Lord. I can do everything in Jesus Christ.” His human condition was same but his attitude was changed. He was used by God powerfully.
When we worship, we are transformed and God gives each of us the best change. Therefore, the most beautiful confession is, “I am a worshiper!”
Have you ever felt your prayer topics are changed as you worship God and pray to Him? Once you might pray for just your needs. But as you worship, you are transformed that you begin to pray the prayer that God wants. When we worship God, our desire, attitude, value system, thought, language, life purpose, and mission are changed.
When you worship God, change comes to you. Then you are able to discern the will of God. Though you have great talents or ability or money, if you don’t have discernment, you don’t know what to do.
Look at verse 2b. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Do you know what God’s will is for your life and for the world?
Discernment doesn’t come to us overnight. There are people who open the Bible when they face a crisis thought they usually live according to their desires and feelings. But they do not get anything from the Bible. However, those who experience change through faithful worship are able to deal with the crisis properly. Therefore, the order of worship-change-discernment is important. It won’t work if you only try to discern without worship or change. If you miss worship, nothing will work out for you.
Brothers, be worshippers with your bodies-your eyes, ears, lips, hands and feet including your love and dream. Then changes will appear to you. Then your life will be enriched with all kinds of heavenly inspirations.
However, if you only look for a solution when a problem arises without worship and experiencing change, it won’t work. A life without worship is indeed foolish and messy. That’s why many fall into discouragement and depression.
Brothers, be a worshiper. Worship God and wait. You never know what kind of change the Lord will give you. The spiritual and physical spectrum of change is so wide.
Sometimes, God sends you people whom you need. Sometimes, He gives you money (job, career, health) you need. Sometimes, He strengthens you to overcome the situation. When you worship God, He gives you what you really need.
Worship, change, discernment, this order is really important. That is why the devil tries to changes this order. The world tells us to discern first. The world tells us to receive change first. But I repeat the order, ‘worship, change, discernment.’
There was an archaeological discovery in the land of Canaan. There, the Gentiles and Israelites lived together. If you look at a certain soil layer and relics, you can see the difference between believers and non believers in the era of Abraham, the era of Moses, and the era of David. However, there is a layer where the characteristics of faith are not found at all. That is the era of the judges. You cannot tell whether the relics of that era are Jewish or the Gentiles. The generation after Joshua did not know Jehovah. So believers and non-believers were the same. The era where the distinction is most evident is the era of David. God's people and non-believers are clearly distinguished.
If we trace the life style, Christians and non-Christians are different or must be different. They spend money differently. Where do you spend it? Don't you spend it on offering and gospel work? I do. How do you spend your time and vacation? God’s people open the Bible and pray when they get up. You need to have this pattern. How you spend your money and time reveal who you are.
Daniel lost his country in his teens and was taken captive to a foreign land. He must have been sad and fatalistic. Under Babylonian education and culture, he must have also confused about his identity. At that time, he worshiped God with determination. “I will not defile myself with the royal food offered to idols.” Then God changed his supervisors to deal with him graciously. God also changed him to be healthier than the other and he was full of wisdom and intelligence.
Know the principle of faith and keep this order; worship, change, discernment