2025 Exodus 11,12-1, Our Passover Lamb, Jesus Shed His Blood For Me!
2025-01-12 17:11
Our Passover Lamb, Jesus Shed His Blood For Me!
Exodus 12:1-13
Pharaoh enslaved Israel for several hundred years. God sent Moses to Pharaoh saying, “Let my people go so that they may worship me.” Out of pride and greed, however Pharaoh rejected saying, “God? Worship? Why should I obey him? No.” Though Egypt was thoroughly devastated by the nine plagues, Pharaoh’s pride and greed were not uprooted.
When Pharaoh did not repent, the last plague with which God struck him and Egypt was a blow of death. Men with the mind of Pharaoh refuse to listen to God’s word of salvation and warning. They continue to stubbornly refuse to repent of sin. Finally, God’s judgment brought death to all first born of Egypt. Then, Pharaoh surrendered. How foolish he is! If he had repented during the nine plagues, if he had put down his pride and greed, if he had acknowledged and worshiped God, he would not have lost life, but his pride and greed brought about death.
But the judgement of God was also planned on Israelites. Why to them too? Weren’t they the victims of Pharaoh’s slavery? Yes, many of them had victim's mentality. However, they were also stubborn. They did not accept the message of God through Moses. They doubted God. Also, they worshipped Egyptian gods. No one is free from the judgment of God.
Romans 3 says that both Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin. “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who seeks God.” What is the punishment for sin? Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death.” And Heb 9:27 says, “Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” Now every one faces a question, “How can I escape the judgment of God; death and eternal punishment in hell?”
Verse 13 says, “The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.”
The only way to escape the plague of death for both Jews and Gentiles is the blood of the lamb. God says, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” This Passover is a model of the cross of Jesus.
We are saved by accepting (believing in) the blood of Jesus shed on the cross. Faith is receiving. John 1:12 says, “To all who did receive Jesus, to those who believed in his name, God gave the right to become children of God.”
Jesus said, “This bread is my flesh, eat it; this cup is my blood, drink it.” Then people were confused and unhappy retorting, “Are we cannibals?” They did not accept Jesus’ flesh and blood.
However, eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking his blood means accepting Jesus as the Savior. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Accepting Jesus is the way to be saved from death and judgment and live forever. Rejecting Jesus means death and judgment.
When man accepts Jesus, the Holy Spirit dwells in them. Then their spirits are alive and they become strong. They are not ruled by their sinful egos but overcome temptations and challenges. On the other hand, if man rejects Jesus, the Holy Spirit does not dwell in them. Then, the spirit of the devil and the spirit of the world are in them that they are in chaos.
I have heard from some parents that their middle school children are rough, rude and rebellious. The parents have a hard time but say that it is because their children are in their puberty. No. It’s not because of puberty. It is because they don’t accept Jesus, and the Holy Spirit does not dwell in them. They are restless, cranky or rebellious because they are not born again by the blood of Jesus.
However, there are many who are born again in their teens. Joseph, Daniel and David all received the Spirit of God in their teens and lived a beautiful life changing the world.
People might say, “We couldn't help it. It is the fault of the system.” Some say, “I am busy with studying in my 20s; I am busy with work in my 30s and 40s.” But God does not accept excuses, no matter how good or valid or logical they may be. We just have to accept what God has done through the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus has power to save us, heal us and give us new life, new desire and new hope. “When I see, I will pass over you.”
There must have been good people among Egyptians and there must have been bad people among Israelites. However, God does not look at who they are.
Look at verse 7. “Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs.” God does not check their criminal records. God does not ask their GPA. God does not ask their careers or house sizes. It doesn’t matter whether they are good or evil or they are Israelites or Egyptians. If they are in a house covered by the blood of lamb, the angel of death will pass over them.
Verse 13 says, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.” Man’s life and death lie in the blood of the lamb. Salvation is achieved not by what we do but by receiving the blood of Jesus.
However, the world ignores it saying, "Jesus’ blood? Why should I rely on Jesus’ blood? No way! Nonsense! I will find the way of salvation by myself." The world likes to hear Jesus’ teachings and what he did but hates to hear about the blood of Jesus.
Egyptian education and modern education emphasize human efforts. On the other hand, wilderness education is just to accept what God gives. In the wilderness where there is no water and no food and no security, you just need to accept what God gives. God said, “Strike the rock.” Water came out. “Get up early in the morning and go outside to get food.” They collected food. “Do not work on the Sabbath day.” They had rest in God. For 40 years, the Israelites were trained to receive from God.
The pinnacle of the worldly school is the Tower of Babel. “Let’ gather, gather, gather together to build a tower to reach the sky. Let us make a name for ourselves.” God scattered them. Do not forget. The more you emphasize your strength, the more you become a target of judgment. God wants us to realize that we are dust so that we may accept what He provides. This is the spirit of Passover.
God’s salvation is grace to us. Then, is God’s grace free? It is free from man’s perspective. But countless lambs were slaughtered. Therefore, the death of the lambs was the atonement for those who escaped judgment. A great sacrifice and a high price were paid for their salvation from the plague of death.
Now, the Lamb of the Old Testament refers to Jesus Christ. He shed His blood on the cross and died in our place to save us. The blood of Jesus Christ saves men from their sins.
Sometimes we wonder why Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood. Sometimes we wonder if there was no other option to save men from their sins. But the Bible says, "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" (Heb 9:22). We must die and face eternal judgment because of our sins. But God, instead sacrificed His Son, Jesus on behalf of us. And he declares, “When I see his blood, I will Passover you.”
Jesus paid the price for our sins. We should have died, but Jesus died instead of us and saved us from the eternal judgment of hell. This is God’s grace for sinners like you and me.
Now, here is a question, the most crucial question for you and me, “Do you have the blood of Jesus in your body, mind and soul? Do you believe in Jesus??
Believing in the blood of Jesus on the cross is like showing a receipt. The devil accuses us. “Hey, you are evil and worthless. Your conscience is dirty. You cannot escape the judgment of hell.” Yes, we are all evil. Our consciences are dirty. But we have a mediator. (Job 9:33-34) His name is Jesus, the Son of God.
Isaiah 53:5 says, "He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities." (Isa 53:5). Therefore, if Satan or your conscience accuses you, answer that “Jesus already paid the price for my sins.” The blood of Jesus on the cross is like the receipt for paying the price for our sins. The most foolish person in this world is the one who tries to cleanse his sin-tainted conscience, guilt and fear with his own efforts and achievements while Jesus has already paid the price.
1 Corinthians 6:10 says, “You were purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own.” This is why Jesus says, “You are mine.” Therefore, offer your body as a living sacrifice to glorify God.
1 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.” Jesus is the Passover lamb. His body was torn and his blood was shed for your sin and my sin. Now, Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit and he provides us with things we need. Isaiah 53:5 says, “The punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
Do not live by your own strength anymore. I pray that you may enjoy God’s blessings; righteousness, peace and joy as you rely only on the blood of Jesus.
Now, there are two life attitudes for us who live by the grace of Jesus’ cross.
First, offer your best to God.
Verse 5 says, “The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect.” A year old male lamb without defect is a lamb young, most fresh, healthy, full of energy and most valuable. Now you have two lambs, one is a year old without defect and the other is a lamb sick, defected and old. Which one would you like to kill and offer to God?
It is very easy to be tempted to offer the weak and less valuable one. But God said, “Offer one year old male lamb without blemish.” It means, “offer to me the best one, the most valuable and precious one.” Why? Because God has given us the most precious one, his Son. God killed His Son to forgive us and give us a new life, eternal life. If we know his sacrifice and his love for us, we cannot but feel thankful and sorry. And we give our best to Him like the woman who broke the alabaster jar of very expensive perfume made of pure nard and poured it on Jesus’ head.
Someone asked Bernard Shaw, “what is the most valuable thing in this world?” “Youth,” he replied, “and what a pity that it has to be wasted on youths!” I agree with his opinion.
Here are many youths. I am wondering, “Do they know what youth is? Do they know how valuable and beautiful youth is?” There are many youths who waste their youth. I want to shout, “Rather, give your youth to me!”
If the youth know the value of the youth, they will live much more worthily. King Solomon said, “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come. (Ecclesiastes 12:1) Do you know you are now in the period like one year old male lamb without defect? Wisdom is to give your youth to God and seek first His kingdom. Then you will truly live a valuable and meaningful life like Joseph, Daniel, David and Mary who offered their youth to God. God made their life so beautiful and glorious.
Young men, offer your best to God. I have heard from some youths, “I can’t attend worship service every Sunday because I am busy, so maybe once per month or two months.” Some give an offering once or twice in a year. This is not faith or a dangerous faith. That is why they live under constant anxiety and chaos.
Offering one’s best to the Lord is a truly precious and beautiful. The late Jimmy Carter lived like this. Even during the presidential campaign, he flied to attend Sunday worship service and serve students. I pray for you and myself to live like this. It is truly a glorious and good way to live.
Second, act quickly.
Verse 11 says, “This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the LORD’s Passover.” Be ready to move and act. And move and act quickly. You are in a house on fire. Would you take a long shower, spend time to choose clothes and eat slowly? No. Get out of there quickly! No time to delay or procrastinate!
Speed is one of factors of top-tier companies. Speed is even more important in the spiritual world. “I will come to church next week. I will devote myself after I graduate. I will serve the Lord after I get a job and after I buy a house.”
Last year, I asked a student to play an instrument at a church service. He refused saying “It takes time to practice. I have no time. Maybe next year.” When I asked him again this year, he said yes. Do not hide your talents, time and money God has given you in the ground. Serve the Lord now with them.
Jesus says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24) I love teaching the Bible. But I ask myself, “Do you obey the word of God?” You come to do Bible study and listen to sermon weekly. Do you obey the word of God? Only by practicing, we will know whether the word of God is true or not.
The New Year’s message is, “Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God.” Now let’s obey and practice it and see whether we bear fruit 30 times, 60 times and 100 times more.
We Christians must have testimony. “Oh, I obeyed the word of God. Then I harvested great crops.” If you have nothing to testify, I am sorry, but your faith is fake. There is no work and glory of God in your life. Some people live only with their mouths. They are hypocrites. They lie, hate and complain. They are jealous, greedy and selfish. I know who lives like that. I know! I know they are a fake. But I don’t say anything. Why? Because I am afraid they may leave the church. It's not because the church attending number may decrease but because I feel sorry for them. I don’t want them to wander and die as they leave church. So, I don’t say anything.
I pray that you may only believe and boast the blood of Jesus and that the grace, power, and dedication of the cross are in your hearts.
Exodus 12:1-13
Pharaoh enslaved Israel for several hundred years. God sent Moses to Pharaoh saying, “Let my people go so that they may worship me.” Out of pride and greed, however Pharaoh rejected saying, “God? Worship? Why should I obey him? No.” Though Egypt was thoroughly devastated by the nine plagues, Pharaoh’s pride and greed were not uprooted.
When Pharaoh did not repent, the last plague with which God struck him and Egypt was a blow of death. Men with the mind of Pharaoh refuse to listen to God’s word of salvation and warning. They continue to stubbornly refuse to repent of sin. Finally, God’s judgment brought death to all first born of Egypt. Then, Pharaoh surrendered. How foolish he is! If he had repented during the nine plagues, if he had put down his pride and greed, if he had acknowledged and worshiped God, he would not have lost life, but his pride and greed brought about death.
But the judgement of God was also planned on Israelites. Why to them too? Weren’t they the victims of Pharaoh’s slavery? Yes, many of them had victim's mentality. However, they were also stubborn. They did not accept the message of God through Moses. They doubted God. Also, they worshipped Egyptian gods. No one is free from the judgment of God.
Romans 3 says that both Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin. “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who seeks God.” What is the punishment for sin? Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death.” And Heb 9:27 says, “Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” Now every one faces a question, “How can I escape the judgment of God; death and eternal punishment in hell?”
Verse 13 says, “The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.”
The only way to escape the plague of death for both Jews and Gentiles is the blood of the lamb. God says, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” This Passover is a model of the cross of Jesus.
We are saved by accepting (believing in) the blood of Jesus shed on the cross. Faith is receiving. John 1:12 says, “To all who did receive Jesus, to those who believed in his name, God gave the right to become children of God.”
Jesus said, “This bread is my flesh, eat it; this cup is my blood, drink it.” Then people were confused and unhappy retorting, “Are we cannibals?” They did not accept Jesus’ flesh and blood.
However, eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking his blood means accepting Jesus as the Savior. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Accepting Jesus is the way to be saved from death and judgment and live forever. Rejecting Jesus means death and judgment.
When man accepts Jesus, the Holy Spirit dwells in them. Then their spirits are alive and they become strong. They are not ruled by their sinful egos but overcome temptations and challenges. On the other hand, if man rejects Jesus, the Holy Spirit does not dwell in them. Then, the spirit of the devil and the spirit of the world are in them that they are in chaos.
I have heard from some parents that their middle school children are rough, rude and rebellious. The parents have a hard time but say that it is because their children are in their puberty. No. It’s not because of puberty. It is because they don’t accept Jesus, and the Holy Spirit does not dwell in them. They are restless, cranky or rebellious because they are not born again by the blood of Jesus.
However, there are many who are born again in their teens. Joseph, Daniel and David all received the Spirit of God in their teens and lived a beautiful life changing the world.
People might say, “We couldn't help it. It is the fault of the system.” Some say, “I am busy with studying in my 20s; I am busy with work in my 30s and 40s.” But God does not accept excuses, no matter how good or valid or logical they may be. We just have to accept what God has done through the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus has power to save us, heal us and give us new life, new desire and new hope. “When I see, I will pass over you.”
There must have been good people among Egyptians and there must have been bad people among Israelites. However, God does not look at who they are.
Look at verse 7. “Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs.” God does not check their criminal records. God does not ask their GPA. God does not ask their careers or house sizes. It doesn’t matter whether they are good or evil or they are Israelites or Egyptians. If they are in a house covered by the blood of lamb, the angel of death will pass over them.
Verse 13 says, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.” Man’s life and death lie in the blood of the lamb. Salvation is achieved not by what we do but by receiving the blood of Jesus.
However, the world ignores it saying, "Jesus’ blood? Why should I rely on Jesus’ blood? No way! Nonsense! I will find the way of salvation by myself." The world likes to hear Jesus’ teachings and what he did but hates to hear about the blood of Jesus.
Egyptian education and modern education emphasize human efforts. On the other hand, wilderness education is just to accept what God gives. In the wilderness where there is no water and no food and no security, you just need to accept what God gives. God said, “Strike the rock.” Water came out. “Get up early in the morning and go outside to get food.” They collected food. “Do not work on the Sabbath day.” They had rest in God. For 40 years, the Israelites were trained to receive from God.
The pinnacle of the worldly school is the Tower of Babel. “Let’ gather, gather, gather together to build a tower to reach the sky. Let us make a name for ourselves.” God scattered them. Do not forget. The more you emphasize your strength, the more you become a target of judgment. God wants us to realize that we are dust so that we may accept what He provides. This is the spirit of Passover.
God’s salvation is grace to us. Then, is God’s grace free? It is free from man’s perspective. But countless lambs were slaughtered. Therefore, the death of the lambs was the atonement for those who escaped judgment. A great sacrifice and a high price were paid for their salvation from the plague of death.
Now, the Lamb of the Old Testament refers to Jesus Christ. He shed His blood on the cross and died in our place to save us. The blood of Jesus Christ saves men from their sins.
Sometimes we wonder why Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood. Sometimes we wonder if there was no other option to save men from their sins. But the Bible says, "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" (Heb 9:22). We must die and face eternal judgment because of our sins. But God, instead sacrificed His Son, Jesus on behalf of us. And he declares, “When I see his blood, I will Passover you.”
Jesus paid the price for our sins. We should have died, but Jesus died instead of us and saved us from the eternal judgment of hell. This is God’s grace for sinners like you and me.
Now, here is a question, the most crucial question for you and me, “Do you have the blood of Jesus in your body, mind and soul? Do you believe in Jesus??
Believing in the blood of Jesus on the cross is like showing a receipt. The devil accuses us. “Hey, you are evil and worthless. Your conscience is dirty. You cannot escape the judgment of hell.” Yes, we are all evil. Our consciences are dirty. But we have a mediator. (Job 9:33-34) His name is Jesus, the Son of God.
Isaiah 53:5 says, "He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities." (Isa 53:5). Therefore, if Satan or your conscience accuses you, answer that “Jesus already paid the price for my sins.” The blood of Jesus on the cross is like the receipt for paying the price for our sins. The most foolish person in this world is the one who tries to cleanse his sin-tainted conscience, guilt and fear with his own efforts and achievements while Jesus has already paid the price.
1 Corinthians 6:10 says, “You were purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own.” This is why Jesus says, “You are mine.” Therefore, offer your body as a living sacrifice to glorify God.
1 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.” Jesus is the Passover lamb. His body was torn and his blood was shed for your sin and my sin. Now, Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit and he provides us with things we need. Isaiah 53:5 says, “The punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
Do not live by your own strength anymore. I pray that you may enjoy God’s blessings; righteousness, peace and joy as you rely only on the blood of Jesus.
Now, there are two life attitudes for us who live by the grace of Jesus’ cross.
First, offer your best to God.
Verse 5 says, “The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect.” A year old male lamb without defect is a lamb young, most fresh, healthy, full of energy and most valuable. Now you have two lambs, one is a year old without defect and the other is a lamb sick, defected and old. Which one would you like to kill and offer to God?
It is very easy to be tempted to offer the weak and less valuable one. But God said, “Offer one year old male lamb without blemish.” It means, “offer to me the best one, the most valuable and precious one.” Why? Because God has given us the most precious one, his Son. God killed His Son to forgive us and give us a new life, eternal life. If we know his sacrifice and his love for us, we cannot but feel thankful and sorry. And we give our best to Him like the woman who broke the alabaster jar of very expensive perfume made of pure nard and poured it on Jesus’ head.
Someone asked Bernard Shaw, “what is the most valuable thing in this world?” “Youth,” he replied, “and what a pity that it has to be wasted on youths!” I agree with his opinion.
Here are many youths. I am wondering, “Do they know what youth is? Do they know how valuable and beautiful youth is?” There are many youths who waste their youth. I want to shout, “Rather, give your youth to me!”
If the youth know the value of the youth, they will live much more worthily. King Solomon said, “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come. (Ecclesiastes 12:1) Do you know you are now in the period like one year old male lamb without defect? Wisdom is to give your youth to God and seek first His kingdom. Then you will truly live a valuable and meaningful life like Joseph, Daniel, David and Mary who offered their youth to God. God made their life so beautiful and glorious.
Young men, offer your best to God. I have heard from some youths, “I can’t attend worship service every Sunday because I am busy, so maybe once per month or two months.” Some give an offering once or twice in a year. This is not faith or a dangerous faith. That is why they live under constant anxiety and chaos.
Offering one’s best to the Lord is a truly precious and beautiful. The late Jimmy Carter lived like this. Even during the presidential campaign, he flied to attend Sunday worship service and serve students. I pray for you and myself to live like this. It is truly a glorious and good way to live.
Second, act quickly.
Verse 11 says, “This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the LORD’s Passover.” Be ready to move and act. And move and act quickly. You are in a house on fire. Would you take a long shower, spend time to choose clothes and eat slowly? No. Get out of there quickly! No time to delay or procrastinate!
Speed is one of factors of top-tier companies. Speed is even more important in the spiritual world. “I will come to church next week. I will devote myself after I graduate. I will serve the Lord after I get a job and after I buy a house.”
Last year, I asked a student to play an instrument at a church service. He refused saying “It takes time to practice. I have no time. Maybe next year.” When I asked him again this year, he said yes. Do not hide your talents, time and money God has given you in the ground. Serve the Lord now with them.
Jesus says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24) I love teaching the Bible. But I ask myself, “Do you obey the word of God?” You come to do Bible study and listen to sermon weekly. Do you obey the word of God? Only by practicing, we will know whether the word of God is true or not.
The New Year’s message is, “Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice to God.” Now let’s obey and practice it and see whether we bear fruit 30 times, 60 times and 100 times more.
We Christians must have testimony. “Oh, I obeyed the word of God. Then I harvested great crops.” If you have nothing to testify, I am sorry, but your faith is fake. There is no work and glory of God in your life. Some people live only with their mouths. They are hypocrites. They lie, hate and complain. They are jealous, greedy and selfish. I know who lives like that. I know! I know they are a fake. But I don’t say anything. Why? Because I am afraid they may leave the church. It's not because the church attending number may decrease but because I feel sorry for them. I don’t want them to wander and die as they leave church. So, I don’t say anything.
I pray that you may only believe and boast the blood of Jesus and that the grace, power, and dedication of the cross are in your hearts.