
2025 Exodus 12-2, Let The Blessings Of God Flow From You To The World

2025-01-19 17:10
Let The Blessings Of God Flow From You To The World

Exodus 12:14-36

This passage starts with, “This is a day you are to commemorate.” God wants us to celebrate Passover as a festival. What is the message?

First, eat bread made without yeast
Look at verse 15. “For seven days you are to eat bread made without yeast.” Yeast is a leavening agent making bread sweet, soft and smells good. Everyone likes bread with yeast. The problem? It takes time. So, bread made without yeast could be rapidly mixed and heated. The usual multi-hour waiting time for the dough to rise and the loaf to bake was cut to just minutes. Therefore, “Eat unleavened bread” means to eat quickly so that you can act, move and obey quickly without delay.

The Israelites finally are to leave the slavery land. Pharaoh would soon let them go. If the Israelites spend time to make sweet and fresh bread by using yeast for their exodus, it will take time and Pharaoh would change his mind to hold them again. That is why God commanded them to eat the unleavened bread. When it comes to exodus, there is no time to hesitate or delay. There is no time to be attached to things of the world. “Obey now and quickly!” is the spirit of Unleavened bread.

There is a story in C.S. Lewis’s Screwtape letters. The old devil, Screwtape was training his nephew inexperienced devil, wormwood to destroy a Christian. “What is the best way to destroy him?” Wormwood answered, “How about making him face hardships? How about tempting him with a big success?” Finally, they concluded that the best strategy was “Let him think, ‘No need to rush. I will obey next week and next year.” There are not a few who live like that until they die, ending their lives in regret, shame and emptiness.

Why is quick obedience necessary? First is because of the devil. Second is greed. Hosea 6:4 says “You, Ephraim, you Judah, your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears.” You receive God’s grace as you attend Sunday service and study the Bible. However, you obey slowly. Then the grace you receive will evaporate quickly. There was a father who told his son, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’ ‘I will, sir,’ Wau! He is a good son. But soon, he thought, “Oh, today? I am busy with work and assignments. I will do later or maybe tomorrow.” When he did not obey immediately, he lost his father’s favour. Therefore, immediate obedience is necessary. When you hear the word of God, repent now, devote yourself to God and His work now. This is the spirit of the feast of unleavened bread.

Second, worship God and wait.
Look at verse 16. “On the first day hold a sacred assembly, and another one on the seventh day. Do no work at all on these days, except to prepare food for everyone to eat; that is all you may do.” Here ‘hold a sacred assembly’ means to worship God together. Worship God on the first and last day and do nothing for 7 days. Worship God and wait. How would they feel? Do nothing but only worship and wait? It seems that they must do something. But God’s instruction for them is to worship God and wait.

In this busy and uncertain world, many try hard to survive or succeed. They plan and contact people doing this and that arguing, “Gee, how can I go to church to worship and wait? No. I am busy.” That is why they are stuck by the materialistic world. Listen to God’s instruction, “Worship Me and wait.”

There is no change, maturity and victory without waiting. Those who have gone through hardships for a long time become men of God believing that God would give them good things.

God who parted the Red Sea will also open the way for me. God Almighty will heal me. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a period to realize God’s goodness, love and power. At the same time, this is God’s people’s living message toward the world.
Do people know that you go to church on Sundays? Do they know that you join prayer meeting and do gospel work? “Oh, that guy goes to worship service even during exam periods and term breaks. That guy joins prayer meeting and do gospel work though he is busy.” If we live like this and have victory in our lives, it becomes a living testimony to those who do not believe in God.

Psalm 40:3 says, “Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.” Through my worship, prayer and gospel work, people are moved and come to God. This is evangelism.
Some wonder, “Why can’t I evangelize even single person? Why do people not come to church thought me though I believe in God?” It is because their faith is vague. They have no confidence in God and easily compromise, doubt and calculative. Then the unbelieving people think, “Gee, I would neither believe in God nor go to church, if I believe like that guy.”
People in the world are expecting something extraordinary though they do not attend worship service. “Ah, I wish I could meet someone who really worships, prays, and does gospel work. I wish I could meet someone who has a living hope in heaven with devotion.”

People are testing you. “Hey buddy, let’s have a drink. Hey, let’s go on a trip on Sunday. Let’s sin together.” Do as they say. They will laugh at you secretly and be so disappointed at you.

Evangelism is not something you do with your mouth. Your life of worship, prayer, and gospel work are living evidence. “They worship and wait though they are busy, tired, short in money and even in the moment of life and death.” In fact, many unbelieving people also left Egypt following the Israelites as they saw their faith. Worship and wait for the glory and power of God. This is the spirit of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Third, identity
Israel lived as slaves for a few hundred years. However, God called them an army. Look at verse 17. “Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread, because it was on this very day that I brought your divisions out of Egypt.” Here ‘divisions’ means ‘army.’ This is God’s sovereignty and hope toward his people.

The best life is to live according to God’s calling. If you are called as a hammer, it is best to live as a hammer. If you are called as a flute, you should make a sound. The meaning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is to deny my own feeling and value but live according to God’s purpose.

Don’t compare yourself with others. “Why can’t I live like Mark Zuckerberg?” Mr. Zuckerberg has not yet been called by God as an army. He might be greatly talented but only for earthly business. However, though we might not be as talented as him, we are the army of God. If you know the eternal value to become the army of God, you would never be envious of such people and be depressed.

Give up empty vanity and useless or excessive greed. Jeremiah 45:5 says, “Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them.” This is an instruction for his aid and student, Baruch. “Hey, are you looking for something big and great? But don’t seek for that. Do what God has given you.” Then Baruch wrote down what Jeremiah taught and passed it to his descendants. As a result, his descendants could have hope for restoration of Israel after the 70 years of captivity in Babylon.
Who are somebody and nobody? What is a big job and a small job in the kingdom of God? Don’t be obsessed with fame or blinded ambition. Live as army of Jesus for his kingdom. Rescue the dying and broken souls. And be faithful to the work that has been entrusted to you.

Fourth, let blessings of God flow.
Look at verse 29, 30. “At midnight the LORD struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well. There was loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead” Indeed that was the day of God’s judgment. Pharaoh who had despised God’s warnings out of pride and greed finally surrendered.

He said, “Up! Go, worship the LORD as you have requested.” (V 32. 33) Pharaoh was thoroughly defeated. Why? Because he had no absolute standard in his life. By relying on his throne and wealth, he did not accept the absolute standard of salvation; the blood of the Lamb. As a result, he was destroyed.

Though man may succeed in the world, everyone dies. King Solomon knew it and lamented, “Meaningless, meaningless, utterly meaningless.” We need salvation. How? Only by the blood of lamb.

Look at Verse 23. “He will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.” It is not through something we do to be saved. Salvation and victory come to us when we accept the blood of Jesus on the cross confessing our sins.

Now, if you have accepted Jesus, you have received grace from God. You have become the source of blessings like Abraham. Then, there is task for you and it is to let the blessing of God flow to others.
Look at verse 31. Take your flocks and herds, as you have said, and go. And also bless me.” Winners bless and losers curse. If you keep cursing or complaining, you are losers. However, winners bless.

Genesis 47:10 says, “Jacob blessed Pharaoh.” Can you imagine a scene where an old nameless country blesses the emperor? Though Pharaoh was the king of a great empire, Jacob had something superior (God and eternity) to him, so he blessed him.
Heb 11:21 describes Jacob's life in two words, worship and blessing. That is why his life was so glorious and why his heart was like a deep ocean. The name Israel did not come from Abraham or Moses but Jacob. Throughout his life, Jacob worshiped God faithfully and blessed people whomever he met.

Worship is the time to receive God's life, power and blessings. After receiving the blessings from God, your task is to let that blessing flow to others. Moses blessed Pharaoh when he left Egypt. If you are the winner, you always bless others.
Jesus says, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” (Luke 6:27). We do not retaliate. We bless people wherever we go whomever we meet. We have the blessings of heaven in Jesus.

So, live a life of blessing others. If you feel stuck or heavy, most likely, it is because you do not flow the blessing of God to others.

Verse 35-36 says, “The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing. And they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians.” They received a lot. They became rich. However, receiving a lot is not a blessing. It depends on how you use it.

In Exodus 32, Israel made a golden calf idol with those silver and gold. They used the blessings to satisfy themselves and make themselves comfortable. This was the path to destruction. They were almost destroyed.
Receiving a lot from God is not neither goal nor end. You must use them properly and correctly. After that critical event, they repented and used silver and gold to build the tabernacle of God. Exodus 36:5 says, “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work of the LORD.” Then God poured His glory and grace on them.

Ask yourself whether there is a flow in your life. God has given you life, time, health, career, family and money. Are you now letting them flow to bless others? If you hide them or use them for only yourself or do nothing, you are like the man who buried one talent in the ground. He heard later, “You wicked and lazy servant!” He lost everything.
There are many rich people in the Bible. Young people, listen carefully. Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be rich? No matter how much you have, your wealth will be measured by the amount what you use for God, saving souls and doing gospel work.

Abram was extremely rich. He used his wealth to treat people hospitably. He used it to rescue Lot, costing huge money. Joseph of Arimathea, gave the tomb he had made for himself to Jesus. That is all that remained and recognized.
After Jesus’ ascension, 120 people stayed in Mark’s attic for ten days. It was like a very large conference room. Mark was very wealthy. He used his house as Jerusalem church. Lydia, a successful businesswoman used the profits from her fabric business to serve Paul, the Philippians church and save souls. These are all stories of wealth well spent. This is how we are to spend money.

I pray that you may let the things you have received flow to serve others. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Do you want to be loved, recognized, greeted and respected? Love, recognize, respect and greet them first. We have been blessed in the name of Jesus. Take the initiative. Let the river of blessings flow from you to many people.

Fifth, education
Look at verse 26, 27. “And when your children ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’ then tell them, ‘It is the Passover sacrifice to the LORD.” God instructed them to teach their children about the Passover, the way of salvation in Jesus Christ. Teaching, excellent teaching is important.

Deut 6:4-6 says, “Here, O Israel.” What do you hear? First, love God wholeheartedly. The next two are about children education.

First, inscribe the word of God on your children’s hearts. If your heart is not whole, it is safe to inscribe the word of God on your heart. The heart of man is corrupt. It is self-centered and self-seeking. You can never be saved if you follow what your heart says. You must inscribe the word of God on your heart to gain righteousness. (Bible study and sermon’s importance) Therefore, do not say, “Do whatever you want.” Instead, teach them to live according to the word of God.

Second, diligently teach the word of God. Here, ‘diligently’ is ‘Shannan’ in Hebrew meaning sharpening. You must make your children sharp and discerning. There are many people who are too dull in faith and morality. Their talking topics are clothes, car, salary, size of house, vacation plan and retiring plan. You cannot win the world in such state. You will end in regret.

However, a person who sharpens his sword with the word of God will not fall before either success or hardships. You must make your children sharp. I really hope that you may become sharp. The world is not easy. There is tremendous pressure. Put on the full armor of God and go out into the world like a double edged sword or razor. Then the world and the devil will not look down on you. You will live a life of victory.