2025 Faith Series (1), Where Is Your Faith? ‘Dia Elkomai’
2025-02-16 15:57
Where Is Your Faith?
Luke 8:22-25
One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” It has a deep spiritual meaning. When you accept Jesus as your Savior, you belong to the kingdom of God. Then Jesus says to you, “Let’s go over to the other side of the world that is heaven, the kingdom of God.”
Here is a very unique expression, ‘go over (through).’ “Go through is ‘dia Elkomai’, meaning ‘penetrate or break through an obstacle.’ Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s break through obstacles during our journey to the kingdom of God.” Jesus predicted and warned his disciples in advance that there would be tremendous obstacles and that they should break through the obstacles until they arrive to the kingdom of God.
It was Jesus, the Son of God who spoke to them. Jesus Christ who created heaven and earth spoke that word to them. So the disciples should have paid attention to the word of Jesus because that word was the foundation of their faith. However, the disciples casually heard the word of Jesus. They did not pay attention to the spoken word of Jesus.
Even nowadays, we have the Bible and wonderful theology. However, if we do not pay attention to the spoken word of God, we totally miss the goal.
This morning I believe that the word of God is true and powerful whether we can see or not, feel or not and touch or not. So, if you pay attention to the spoken word of God, you will go through any kind of obstacles during your life of voyage.
Verse 22 says “So they got into a boat and set out.” It was a beautiful day. The sky was blue and the sea was calm. They felt soft breeze on their faces. As they rowed, they sang happily. They were happy and excited that soon their dream would come true. Then Peter would become the PM and the others would become the ministers of Jesus’ cabinet. They were excited with great expectation.
Then they forgot Jesus Christ, the Son of God. They left Jesus alone. They were completely enthusiastic about talking about their bright future that Jesus was left alone. Jesus was lonely. He could not have fellowship with them. So, Jesus walked to the back of the boat and fell asleep.
That is the trouble. They had all the religion and biblical knowledge in their boat. They were wonderful Christians. But they did put Jesus into sleep because of their human ambition and lack of fellowship with him.
I see this kind of trouble all over the world now. Now, in one side, people are dying and suffering in war, natural disasters, famine, drug addiction and sickness. In another side, people are talking about success, car, house and trip. And everyone seems to talk about economy, economy and economy.
Here is Jesus who has restored the kingdom of God on earth through his blood on the cross. On the cross, he said, “It is finished!” The curse is finished. The paradise and eternal life is restored in Jesus. And he is inviting mankind, “I am the way, truth and life toward the eternal kingdom of God. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. But I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, then all things will be given to you as well.”
But people do not pay attention to the word of Jesus. I ask, “Are you Christian?” Then they say they are Christians. Then I ask again, “Do you go to church?” “No. I have never.” Or “I go to church once or twice a year, Easter or Christmas.”
What is the trouble? People in the world now are putting Jesus into sleep. When you don’t regularly read the Bible, pray to God and attend church service, you are putting Jesus into sleep. Sleeping Jesus can’t help you at all. This is the trouble. So many homes are broken. Many are addicted to drug, alcohol, pornography and all kinds of immorality.
They say, “2000 years ago, Jesus was alive. He healed the sick, cast out demons and raised the dead but we don’t know what happened to him now.” However, you know that we have the same sin here which was playing 2,000 years ago. We have the same devil, sickness, curse and death. Devil is still doing his business powerfully that this world is full of wars, violence, immorality, murder, lying, theft and suicide. Many are wounded, broken, depressed, selfish, and greedy.
If we say that Jesus finished his business 2,000 years ago, then we better believe in devil than Jesus because the work of devil is more powerful now. I tell you that Bible says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” What we need right now is waking Jesus up.
Soon they met the terrible wild storm. The boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. As experienced fishermen, at first, they tried to control the boat against the storm with their skill and effort. But their boat was on the brink of being capsized. They were paralyzed by fear.
Why did it happen? Jesus had warned them to be ready to face the sudden and unexpected storm and go through it. But they had not paid attention to the word of Jesus.
Life is not a picnic. Life is a voyage on the sea. There are small and big storm, sometimes wild storm like hurricane. Yes, in our life, there are obstacles, major life changes, upheaval and emotional turmoil. Is there any period we feel problem- free? Is your life in 20ties safe and smooth? How about you in your 4oties?
Storm has a spiritual meaning. First is a storm of warning or punishment. God gave Jonah mission to go to Nineveh to deliver the message of salvation and judgment. Jonah disobeyed and tried to go exactly opposite direction. God sent a furious and life-threatening storm to him. Second is the storm that increases our faith. This is a divine cleansing process. This is called, storm training or faith training. Which kind of storm do you face often in your life?
In the 110 hurdles, there are 10 hurdles. While running, the runners can hit the hurdles and drop them. Still they are not disqualified. An Olympic gold medalist hit and dropped 8 hurdles. However, if they step aside during running because they are afraid of hurdles or do not like them, they're disqualified.
Life is like 110 meter hurdles. You can trip on the hurdles and drop them during running. Still, you just need to rise and run again. You can finish the race. However, if you run aside avoiding the hurdles, saying you do not like the hurdles, you are disqualified. You are to go through the obstacles. Don’t expect a life trouble-free. When you meet obstacles or storms, just go through. Job problem? Dia Elcomai! Finance problem, relationship problem, health problem, PR problem, marriage problem? Dia Elcomai!
While panic, suddenly they remembered Jesus who was sleeping. They went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
Here is the difference between Christians and non-believers. Everyone faces storms. Now premiers and politicians in Canada diligently visit Washington. I was wondering whether they go into a room and pray to God, who is unseen.
While non-believers do their best to overcome the storms by their own strength, we have Jesus, the Son of God in our boat of life. Though the disciples had put Jesus into sleep, when they met a wild storm, they knew where to go to find a solution.
What is your problem this morning? Are you saying, “Oh, my problem is too big that no one can help me, even Jesus?” But I know Jesus can help you because he has helped me to go through small and big storms. Here is His promise, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned.” (Isaiah 43:2)
We are all facing small and big storms. Even though we live in this beautiful city, Vancouver, everyone including you and me all face storms, sometimes enormously big storm. It really makes heart ache whenever I see and think about the street people in Downtown and those who do not know salvation and eternal life in Jesus Christ and upcoming dreadful judgment of hell.
On SFU, I ask students, “Do you believe in Jesus?” No. “Would you do Bible study and come to church to worship God?” No! Then my heart sinks because I know what would happen to them soon or in the future. “No, never go there!” This is the storm I face. Then I pray to the Lord.
Brothers, when you meet the storm in your life, come and wake up Jesus because he is the only One who can answer to your sin problem, inability problem, sickness, poverty, failure and death problem. Jesus is the solution. He is ready to reach out his hand to you. So, come to Jesus crying out, “Jesus, help me!” Then he will rise up and help you to overcome the storms.
Look at verse 24b. “He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.” Hold on. Why did Jesus rebuke wind and the raging waters? It is because Satan challenged Jesus and his disciples using nature. Jesus rebuked Satan.
As Jesus rebuked the storm, you must rebuke it. Many Christians just surrender their life to the storms. They say that this is their destiny or the will of God. No, I tell you, this is neither your destiny nor the will of God. Sin, demon-oppression, sickness, curse, failure, unrest, fear, hatred and worries are not the will of God. Look at the Bible and learn the will of God. And rebuke all those opposing power in the name of Jesus.
We are not fallen people. We are not under the mercy of circumstances. We are more than conquerors in Jesus. Through Jesus’ blood on the cross, we have been redeemed and we have the kingdom of God dwelling in us now.
Now, we must rebuke the storm and move on. We should never succumb to evil and negative power in our lives.
If you want to go through the storm, you have to see what is behind the storm. You need to look beyond the immediate chaos or difficulties. You should rebuke the devil behind the storm. That is why Jesus rebuked the wind. You must not see only the surface and the circumstances.
Not all storms; chaos and difficulties are the work of Satan. But there are difficulties and obstacles that are the work of Satan. You must have spiritual insight. Many cases, the devil plants fear and worries in our hearts through circumstances such as heavy exams, poor academic performance, uncertain job market or family problem or sickness. The devil tries to discourage you and make you become self-centered and selfish. In your life voyage, you must discern Satan’s tactics and win over it by relying on Jesus. 1 John 3:8 says, “Jesus came to destroy the devil’s work.”
How do you know whether the storm is work of Satan or not? If the storm hinders you from coming to God and serving his will; worship, prayer and doing gospel work, that is the work of devil. Then you are to rebuke it and go through, dia Elkomai.
After rebuking storm, Jesus rebuked his disciples, “Where is your faith?” “Where do you put your faith, in your ability, or in nature or limbo?” Why don’t’ you use your faith?
Today many people are whining, “I am helpless and powerless because I have little and because I am sick and because I am nobody. No one recognizes me.” So what? ‘Dia Alcomai by faith in Jesus!’
Today, brothers, “Where is your faith?” Jesus knew that the real problem was not in the storm from the outside but the storm in their hearts. The real issue is man’s heart. There are people whose hearts are strange. At normal times, there is no problem. But whenever they face some events that involve their security, their hearts become shaken. “What should I do? Am I able to survive? Am I able to live a meaningful and secure life?”
They become fearful, worried and calculative. They become selfish and self-centered. In some cases, they are worse than non-believers.
Remember. There are ten obstacles in 110 hurdles. Do not pray for a life without obstacles or suffering but pray to increase your faith in Jesus. 1 Peter 1:24 says, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross. By his wounds you have been healed.” Faith is to accept Jesus as the Lord in my life. Faith is to accept what he has done to me. If you have this faith, you will win. Paul said, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me.”
Where is your faith? Once we put our faith in Jesus and the word of God, then whether we see or not, feel of not, touch or not, we do not depend on sense knowledge or circumstances any more but we challenge obstacles or hindrances. We rise up, persist, insist and rebuke Satan. Then we will have victory.
Look at verse 25b. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” In the beginning stage of following Jesus, they were interested in Jesus’ miracle and what Jesus might give them. To many Christians, the question is, “I do Bible study and come to church. What can Jesus give me?” This is not necessarily wrong. However, the question should be changed from what to who. “Who is Jesus?”
Without truthful conviction and confession abut who Jesus is, no one can become a true Christian. No one can go through the other side overcoming the wild storm. Through storm training, they acknowledged that Jesus is the Creator, God. He calms down the furious storm. He is able to control nature. He rules over the history and every human being. He is also able to calm down the storm of your life. He is able to lead you into peace and bearing good fruit. He is God. This is the most important finding. How can you live a meaning and fruitful life? Have faith in Him and rebuke Satan and keep going the journey of faith in all circumstances.
Luke 8:22-25
One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” It has a deep spiritual meaning. When you accept Jesus as your Savior, you belong to the kingdom of God. Then Jesus says to you, “Let’s go over to the other side of the world that is heaven, the kingdom of God.”
Here is a very unique expression, ‘go over (through).’ “Go through is ‘dia Elkomai’, meaning ‘penetrate or break through an obstacle.’ Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s break through obstacles during our journey to the kingdom of God.” Jesus predicted and warned his disciples in advance that there would be tremendous obstacles and that they should break through the obstacles until they arrive to the kingdom of God.
It was Jesus, the Son of God who spoke to them. Jesus Christ who created heaven and earth spoke that word to them. So the disciples should have paid attention to the word of Jesus because that word was the foundation of their faith. However, the disciples casually heard the word of Jesus. They did not pay attention to the spoken word of Jesus.
Even nowadays, we have the Bible and wonderful theology. However, if we do not pay attention to the spoken word of God, we totally miss the goal.
This morning I believe that the word of God is true and powerful whether we can see or not, feel or not and touch or not. So, if you pay attention to the spoken word of God, you will go through any kind of obstacles during your life of voyage.
Verse 22 says “So they got into a boat and set out.” It was a beautiful day. The sky was blue and the sea was calm. They felt soft breeze on their faces. As they rowed, they sang happily. They were happy and excited that soon their dream would come true. Then Peter would become the PM and the others would become the ministers of Jesus’ cabinet. They were excited with great expectation.
Then they forgot Jesus Christ, the Son of God. They left Jesus alone. They were completely enthusiastic about talking about their bright future that Jesus was left alone. Jesus was lonely. He could not have fellowship with them. So, Jesus walked to the back of the boat and fell asleep.
That is the trouble. They had all the religion and biblical knowledge in their boat. They were wonderful Christians. But they did put Jesus into sleep because of their human ambition and lack of fellowship with him.
I see this kind of trouble all over the world now. Now, in one side, people are dying and suffering in war, natural disasters, famine, drug addiction and sickness. In another side, people are talking about success, car, house and trip. And everyone seems to talk about economy, economy and economy.
Here is Jesus who has restored the kingdom of God on earth through his blood on the cross. On the cross, he said, “It is finished!” The curse is finished. The paradise and eternal life is restored in Jesus. And he is inviting mankind, “I am the way, truth and life toward the eternal kingdom of God. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. But I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, then all things will be given to you as well.”
But people do not pay attention to the word of Jesus. I ask, “Are you Christian?” Then they say they are Christians. Then I ask again, “Do you go to church?” “No. I have never.” Or “I go to church once or twice a year, Easter or Christmas.”
What is the trouble? People in the world now are putting Jesus into sleep. When you don’t regularly read the Bible, pray to God and attend church service, you are putting Jesus into sleep. Sleeping Jesus can’t help you at all. This is the trouble. So many homes are broken. Many are addicted to drug, alcohol, pornography and all kinds of immorality.
They say, “2000 years ago, Jesus was alive. He healed the sick, cast out demons and raised the dead but we don’t know what happened to him now.” However, you know that we have the same sin here which was playing 2,000 years ago. We have the same devil, sickness, curse and death. Devil is still doing his business powerfully that this world is full of wars, violence, immorality, murder, lying, theft and suicide. Many are wounded, broken, depressed, selfish, and greedy.
If we say that Jesus finished his business 2,000 years ago, then we better believe in devil than Jesus because the work of devil is more powerful now. I tell you that Bible says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” What we need right now is waking Jesus up.
Soon they met the terrible wild storm. The boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. As experienced fishermen, at first, they tried to control the boat against the storm with their skill and effort. But their boat was on the brink of being capsized. They were paralyzed by fear.
Why did it happen? Jesus had warned them to be ready to face the sudden and unexpected storm and go through it. But they had not paid attention to the word of Jesus.
Life is not a picnic. Life is a voyage on the sea. There are small and big storm, sometimes wild storm like hurricane. Yes, in our life, there are obstacles, major life changes, upheaval and emotional turmoil. Is there any period we feel problem- free? Is your life in 20ties safe and smooth? How about you in your 4oties?
Storm has a spiritual meaning. First is a storm of warning or punishment. God gave Jonah mission to go to Nineveh to deliver the message of salvation and judgment. Jonah disobeyed and tried to go exactly opposite direction. God sent a furious and life-threatening storm to him. Second is the storm that increases our faith. This is a divine cleansing process. This is called, storm training or faith training. Which kind of storm do you face often in your life?
In the 110 hurdles, there are 10 hurdles. While running, the runners can hit the hurdles and drop them. Still they are not disqualified. An Olympic gold medalist hit and dropped 8 hurdles. However, if they step aside during running because they are afraid of hurdles or do not like them, they're disqualified.
Life is like 110 meter hurdles. You can trip on the hurdles and drop them during running. Still, you just need to rise and run again. You can finish the race. However, if you run aside avoiding the hurdles, saying you do not like the hurdles, you are disqualified. You are to go through the obstacles. Don’t expect a life trouble-free. When you meet obstacles or storms, just go through. Job problem? Dia Elcomai! Finance problem, relationship problem, health problem, PR problem, marriage problem? Dia Elcomai!
While panic, suddenly they remembered Jesus who was sleeping. They went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
Here is the difference between Christians and non-believers. Everyone faces storms. Now premiers and politicians in Canada diligently visit Washington. I was wondering whether they go into a room and pray to God, who is unseen.
While non-believers do their best to overcome the storms by their own strength, we have Jesus, the Son of God in our boat of life. Though the disciples had put Jesus into sleep, when they met a wild storm, they knew where to go to find a solution.
What is your problem this morning? Are you saying, “Oh, my problem is too big that no one can help me, even Jesus?” But I know Jesus can help you because he has helped me to go through small and big storms. Here is His promise, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned.” (Isaiah 43:2)
We are all facing small and big storms. Even though we live in this beautiful city, Vancouver, everyone including you and me all face storms, sometimes enormously big storm. It really makes heart ache whenever I see and think about the street people in Downtown and those who do not know salvation and eternal life in Jesus Christ and upcoming dreadful judgment of hell.
On SFU, I ask students, “Do you believe in Jesus?” No. “Would you do Bible study and come to church to worship God?” No! Then my heart sinks because I know what would happen to them soon or in the future. “No, never go there!” This is the storm I face. Then I pray to the Lord.
Brothers, when you meet the storm in your life, come and wake up Jesus because he is the only One who can answer to your sin problem, inability problem, sickness, poverty, failure and death problem. Jesus is the solution. He is ready to reach out his hand to you. So, come to Jesus crying out, “Jesus, help me!” Then he will rise up and help you to overcome the storms.
Look at verse 24b. “He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.” Hold on. Why did Jesus rebuke wind and the raging waters? It is because Satan challenged Jesus and his disciples using nature. Jesus rebuked Satan.
As Jesus rebuked the storm, you must rebuke it. Many Christians just surrender their life to the storms. They say that this is their destiny or the will of God. No, I tell you, this is neither your destiny nor the will of God. Sin, demon-oppression, sickness, curse, failure, unrest, fear, hatred and worries are not the will of God. Look at the Bible and learn the will of God. And rebuke all those opposing power in the name of Jesus.
We are not fallen people. We are not under the mercy of circumstances. We are more than conquerors in Jesus. Through Jesus’ blood on the cross, we have been redeemed and we have the kingdom of God dwelling in us now.
Now, we must rebuke the storm and move on. We should never succumb to evil and negative power in our lives.
If you want to go through the storm, you have to see what is behind the storm. You need to look beyond the immediate chaos or difficulties. You should rebuke the devil behind the storm. That is why Jesus rebuked the wind. You must not see only the surface and the circumstances.
Not all storms; chaos and difficulties are the work of Satan. But there are difficulties and obstacles that are the work of Satan. You must have spiritual insight. Many cases, the devil plants fear and worries in our hearts through circumstances such as heavy exams, poor academic performance, uncertain job market or family problem or sickness. The devil tries to discourage you and make you become self-centered and selfish. In your life voyage, you must discern Satan’s tactics and win over it by relying on Jesus. 1 John 3:8 says, “Jesus came to destroy the devil’s work.”
How do you know whether the storm is work of Satan or not? If the storm hinders you from coming to God and serving his will; worship, prayer and doing gospel work, that is the work of devil. Then you are to rebuke it and go through, dia Elkomai.
After rebuking storm, Jesus rebuked his disciples, “Where is your faith?” “Where do you put your faith, in your ability, or in nature or limbo?” Why don’t’ you use your faith?
Today many people are whining, “I am helpless and powerless because I have little and because I am sick and because I am nobody. No one recognizes me.” So what? ‘Dia Alcomai by faith in Jesus!’
Today, brothers, “Where is your faith?” Jesus knew that the real problem was not in the storm from the outside but the storm in their hearts. The real issue is man’s heart. There are people whose hearts are strange. At normal times, there is no problem. But whenever they face some events that involve their security, their hearts become shaken. “What should I do? Am I able to survive? Am I able to live a meaningful and secure life?”
They become fearful, worried and calculative. They become selfish and self-centered. In some cases, they are worse than non-believers.
Remember. There are ten obstacles in 110 hurdles. Do not pray for a life without obstacles or suffering but pray to increase your faith in Jesus. 1 Peter 1:24 says, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross. By his wounds you have been healed.” Faith is to accept Jesus as the Lord in my life. Faith is to accept what he has done to me. If you have this faith, you will win. Paul said, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me.”
Where is your faith? Once we put our faith in Jesus and the word of God, then whether we see or not, feel of not, touch or not, we do not depend on sense knowledge or circumstances any more but we challenge obstacles or hindrances. We rise up, persist, insist and rebuke Satan. Then we will have victory.
Look at verse 25b. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” In the beginning stage of following Jesus, they were interested in Jesus’ miracle and what Jesus might give them. To many Christians, the question is, “I do Bible study and come to church. What can Jesus give me?” This is not necessarily wrong. However, the question should be changed from what to who. “Who is Jesus?”
Without truthful conviction and confession abut who Jesus is, no one can become a true Christian. No one can go through the other side overcoming the wild storm. Through storm training, they acknowledged that Jesus is the Creator, God. He calms down the furious storm. He is able to control nature. He rules over the history and every human being. He is also able to calm down the storm of your life. He is able to lead you into peace and bearing good fruit. He is God. This is the most important finding. How can you live a meaning and fruitful life? Have faith in Him and rebuke Satan and keep going the journey of faith in all circumstances.